Key term: illegitimate task

Short communication 2018;44(2):219-223   pdf full text
Can illegitimate job tasks be reduced by a participatory organizational-level workplace intervention? Results of a cluster randomized controlled trial in Danish pre-schools
Framke E, Sørensen OH, Pedersen J, Rugulies R
Original article 2014;40(6):631-638   pdf full text
Unnecessary work tasks and mental health: a prospective analysis of Danish human service workers
Madsen IEH, Tripathi M, Borritz M, Rugulies R
Original article 2013;39(3):310-318   pdf full text
Illegitimate tasks associated with higher cortisol levels among male employees when subjective health is relatively low: an intra-individual analysis
Kottwitz MU, Meier LL, Jacobshagen N, Kälin W, Elfering A, Hennig J, Semmer NK