CONTENTS — volume 36, no 5, 2010

Published: Sep 2010


Physical activity and cardiovascular mortality – disentangling the roles of work, fitness, and leisure

Original article

Physical demands at work, physical fitness, and 30-year ischaemic heart disease and all-cause mortality in the Copenhagen Male Study
Fitness, work, and leisure-time physical activity and ischaemic heart disease and all-cause mortality among men with pre-existing cardiovascular disease
Mortality from circulatory system diseases and low-level radon exposure in the French cohort study of uranium miners, 1946–1999
The natural course of carpal tunnel syndrome in a working population
Gender differences in sickness absence – the contribution of occupation and workplace
The work ability index and single-item question: associations with sick leave, symptoms, and health – a prospective study of women on long-term sick leave
Maternal concentrations of perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoate (PFOA) and duration of breastfeeding

Discussion paper

Well-being at work – overview and perspective

Letter to the Editor

Exposure to mercury among Norwegian dentists and dental healthcare personnel

Book review

Unhealthy Work – Causes, Consequences and Cures
Theorell T, reviewer