Scand J Work Environ Health 1991;17 suppl 1:12-29 pdf
Classification of municipal occupations.
Eighty-eight job titles were analyzed with the "ergonomic job analysis procedure" [Arbeitswissenschaftliche Erhebungsverfahren zur Tatigkeits-analyse abbreviated (AET) in German]. The objective was to classify the wide range of municipal jobs into homogeneous groups according to job demand and to provide better possibilities to study the relationships between work and health among the aging municipal working population. Altogether 216 items were classified. First, a hierarchical cluster analysis was made, and a dendrogram of the analyzed job titles was drawn. Second, a profile analysis was done in which the single items were grouped into 39 sum items, and a graphic profile was drawn. Finally, the stress factors were listed and drawn in ranking order. The cluster analysis formed 13 groups. Groups exposed to the highest stress factor level were kitchen supervisors, dentists, and physicians. More than 10 stress factors (greater than 50% of the maximum) were found in nursing, administration, installation, transport, and technical supervision.