Scand J Work Environ Health 1976;2(2):71-81 pdf | Issue date: Jun 1976
Use of chlorophenols as fungicides in sawmills.
Several commercial formulations of chlorophenols used as fungicides in sawmills were found to contain impurities, some of which are known to be much more toxic than the main products. The most frequent impurities were chlorinated phenoxyphenols, chlorinated diphenyl ethers, chlorinated dibenzofurans, and chlorinated dibenzodioxins. Samples of wood dust from several positions in two Swedish sawmills were analyzed. The results suggest that the impurities in the chlorophenol formulations are enriched in the work environment in relation to the chlorophenols themselves, probably because of the low volatility and high chemical stability of the impurities. The effect of various methods of fungicide application on the work environment is discussed.
Key terms analytical toxicology; chlorodibenzodioxin; chlorodibenzofuran; chlorodipheynyl ehter; chlorophenol; chlorophenoxyphenol; fungicide; sawmill