Author: Stayner L

Original article 2017;43(2):117-126   pdf full text
Shift work and overall and cause-specific mortality in the Danish nurse cohort
Jørgensen JT, Karlsen S, Stayner L, Hansen J, Andersen ZJ
Discussion paper 2003;29(4):317-324   pdf
Attenuation of exposure-response curves in occupational cohort studies at high exposure levels
Stayner L, Steenland K, Dosemeci M, Hertz-Picciotto I
Editorial 2002;28(3):137-140   pdf
Can health promotion at the workplace help prevent cancer?
Vainio H, Stayner L
Commentary 1999;25(3):296-300   pdf
Collaboration between developing and developed countries and between developing countries in occupational health research and surveillance
Partanen TJ, Hogstedt C, Ahasan R, Aragón A, Arroyave ME, Jeyaratnam J, Kurppa K, Loewenson R, Lundberg I, Ngowi AVF, Mbakaya CFL, Stayner L, Steenland K, Weiderpass E, Wesseling C