Author: Karlsson A

Original article 2023;49(5):341-349   pdf full text
Burden of idiopathic inflammatory rheumatic diseases in occupational healthcare: increased absenteeism and healthcare resource utilization
Ukkola-Vuoti L, Karlsson A, Tuominen S, Lassenius MI, Aaltonen J, Ranta M, Kosunen M, Renlund M, Lehtonen A, Puolakka K
Original article 1983;9(3):259-264   pdf
No cytogenetic effects in lymphocytes of stainless steel welders.
Littorin M, Hogstedt B, Stromback B, Karlsson A, Welinder H, Mitelman F, Skerfving S
Original article 1989;15(2):136-141   pdf
Cytogenetic and hematological effects in plastics workers exposed to styrene.
Hagmar L, Hogstedt B, Welinder H, Karlsson A, Rassner F
Original article 1991;17(4):263-268   pdf
Effects of occupational exposure to mercury vapor on lymphocyte micronuclei.
Barregard L, Hogstedt B, Schutz A, Karlsson A, Sallsten G, Thiringer G