Author: Pape K

Original article 2020;46(4):364-372   pdf full text
Inpatient multimodal occupational rehabilitation reduces sickness absence among individuals with musculoskeletal and common mental health disorders: a randomized clinical trial
Gismervik SØ, Aasdahl L, Vasseljen O, Fors EA, Rise MB, Johnsen R, Hara K, Jacobsen HB, Pape K, Fleten N, Jensen C, Fimland MS
Original article 2017;43(4):307-315   pdf full text
Employees’ drug purchases before and after organizational downsizing: a natural experiment on the Norwegian working population (2004–2012)
Kaspersen SL, Pape K, Carlsen F, Ose SO, Bjorngaard JH