Key term: psychosocial work conditions

Original article 2008;34(6):430-437   pdf
Influence of self-reported work conditions and health on full, partial and no return to work after long-term sickness absence
Josephson M, Heijbel B, Voss M, Alfredsson L, Vingård E
Original article 2008;34(5):345-355   pdf
Can favorable psychosocial work conditions and high work dedication protect against the occurrence of work-related musculoskeletal disorders?
Joling CI, Blatter BM, Ybema JF, Bongers PM
Original article 2008;34(4):260-266   pdf
Sick leaves in four factories—do characteristics of employees and work conditions explain differences in sickness absence between workplaces?
Virtanen P, Siukola A, Luukkaala T, Savinainen M, Arola H, Nygård C-H, Kivimäki M, Helenius H, Vahtera J
Original article 2001;27(1):70-75   pdf
Comparison of expert-rater methods for assessing psychosocial job strain
Ostry AS, Marion SA, Demers PA, Hershler R, Kelly S, Teschke K, Mustard C, Hertzman C
Original article 2000;26(3):273-278   pdf
Downsizing and industrial restructuring in relation to changes in psychosocial conditions of work in British Columbia sawmills
Ostry A, Marion S, Green LW, Demers P, Teschke K, Hershler R, Kelly S, Hertzman C