Key term: neurodegenerative disease

Original article 2021;47(7):531-539   pdf full text
Aluminum dust exposure and risk of neurodegenerative diseases in a cohort of male miners in Ontario, Canada
Zeng X, MacLeod J, Berriault C, DeBono NL, Arrandale VH, Harris AM, Demers PA
Original article 2015;41(4):377-383   pdf full text
Occupational history of night shift work and Parkinson’s disease in Denmark
Schernhammer ES, Lassen CF, Kenborg L, Ritz B, Olsen JH, Hansen J
Original article 2002;28(1):42-48   pdf
Occupational exposure to magnetic fields in case-referent studies of neurodegenerative diseases
Noonan CW, Reif JS, Yost M, Touchstone J