Key term: return-to-work

Original article 2011;37(2):109-119   pdf
3rd place, PREMUS best paper competition: development of the return-to-work self-efficacy (RTWSE-19) questionnaire – psychometric properties and predictive validity
Shaw WS, Reme SE, Linton SJ, Huang Y-H, Pransky G
Original article 2011;37(2):99-108   pdf
2nd place, PREMUS best paper competition: implementing return-to-work interventions for workers with low-back pain – a conceptual framework to identify barriers and facilitators
Fassier J-B, Durand M-J, Loisel P
Original article 2010;36(6):488-498   pdf
Return to work and occupational physicians’ management of common mental health problems – process evaluation of a randomized controlled trial
Rebergen DS, Bruinvels DJ, Bos CM, van der Beek AJ, van Mechelen W
Original article 2010;36(6):473-483   pdf
Return to work following disabling occupational injury – facilitators of employment continuation
Young AE
Original article 2010;36(4):332-338   pdf
Sociodemographic, clinical, and work characteristics associated with return-to-work outcomes following surgery for work-related knee injury
Fan JK, McLeod CB, Koehoorn M
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