Key term: osteoarthritis

Review 2024;50(4):244-256   pdf full text
Hip osteoarthritis and occupational mechanical exposures: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Jahn A, Andersen JH, Seidler A, Christiansen DH, Dalbøge A
Editorial 2020;46(5):457-460   pdf full text
Prevention at work needed to curb the worldwide strong increase in knee replacement surgery for working-age osteoarthritis patients
Kuijer PPFM, Burdorf A
Review 2014;40(2):133-145   pdf full text
Associations of work activities requiring pinch or hand grip or exposure to hand-arm vibration with finger and wrist osteoarthritis: a meta-analysis
Hammer PEC, Shiri R, Kryger AI, Kirkeskov L, Bonde JP
Original article 2014;40(2):167-175   pdf full text
Impact of pre-existing chronic conditions on age differences in sickness absence after a musculoskeletal work injury: A path analysis approach
Smith P, Bielecky A, Ibrahim S, Mustard C, Saunders R, Beaton D, Koehoorn M, McLeod C, Scott-Marshall H, Hogg-Johnson S
Original article 2013;39(5):486-494   pdf full text
Risk and rate advancement periods of total hip replacement due to primary osteoarthritis in relation to cumulative physical workload
Rubak TS, Svendsen SW, Søballe K, Frost P
Original article 1981;7(1):18-30   pdf
Felling work, low-back pain and osteoarthritis.
Sairanen E, Brüshaber L, Kaskinen M