CONTENTS — volume 42, no 4, 2016

Published: 01 Jul 2016


To RCT or not to RCT: evidence on effectiveness of return-to-work interventions


Effectiveness of very early workplace interventions to reduce sickness absence: a systematic review of the literature and meta-analysis

Original article

Effects of graded return-to-work: a propensity-score-matched analysis
Carpal tunnel syndrome and manual work: the OCTOPUS cohort, results of a ten-year longitudinal study
Self-reported occupational physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness: Importance for cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality
Joint association of sleep problems and psychosocial working conditions with registered long-term sickness absence. A Danish cohort study
Overcommitment as a predictor of effort–reward imbalance: evidence from an 8-year follow-up study
The influence of and change in procedural justice on self-rated health trajectories: Swedish Longitudinal Occupational Survey of Health results
Improving safety climate through a communication and recognition program for construction: a mixed methods study
Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Danish version of the 19-item return-to-work self-efficacy (RTWSE-19) questionnaire

Discussion paper

Labor markets and health: an integrated life course perspective