Amendments and corrections

Scand J Work Environ Health 2021;47(3):244    pdf | Published online: 17 Dec 2020, Issue date: 01 Apr 2021

Re: Sasaki N, Kuroda R, Tsuno K, Kawakami N. The deterioration of mental health among healthcare workers during the COVID-19 outbreak: A population-based cohort study of workers in Japan. Scand J Work Environ Health. 2020;46(6):639–644. doi:10.5271/sjweh.3922

by Sasaki N, Kuroda R, Tsuno K, Kawakami N

This erratum concerns table 1. There was an error in the resuls reported for Education among healthcare workers. The results were incorrectly reported as:
16 years 72 (64.9)

The correct numbers are in reverse:

16 years 39 (35.1)

Download the PDF to view the table.

See also the article: 2020;46(6):639-644

This erratum concerns table 1. There was an error in the results reported for Education among healthcare workers. The results were incorrectly reported as:

Table 1

Characteristics of participants in the study (N=1015). [SD=standard deviation].

Healthcare workers (N=111) Non-healthcare workers (N=904)

N (%) SD N (%) SD
 Male 39 (35.1) 472 (52.2)
 Female 72 (64.9) 432 (47.8)
Age mean (years) 41.31 10.6 41.46 10.6
 20–29 24 (21.6) 161 (17.8)
 30–39 35 (31.5) 246 (27.2)
 40–49 25 (22.5) 238 (26.3)
 50–59 24 (21.6) 242 (26.8)
 >60 3 (2.7) 17 (1.9)
Marital status
 Single 54 (48.6) 437 (48.3)
 Married 57 (51.4) 467 (51.7)
 0 60 (54.1) 525 (58.1)
 ≥1 51 (45.9) 379 (41.9)
 <16 years 72 (64.9) 414 (45.8)
 >16 years 39 (35.1) 490 (54.2)
 Emergency prefectures a 62 (55.9) 643 (71.1)
 Others 49 (44.1) 261 (28.9)
Type of industry
 Manufacturing 8 (7.2) 238 (26.3)
 Medical and welfare 77 (69.4) 60 (6.6)
 Retail and wholesale business 6 (5.4) 99 (11.0)
 Finance, insurance, real estate 2 (1.8) 85 (9.4)
 Public service 11 (9.9) 69 (7.6)
 Information and technology services - (-) b 77 (8.5)
 Life-related services and entertainment 2 (1.8) 71 (7.9)
 Professional and technical services 2 (1.8) 53 (5.9)
 Transportation 1 (0.9) 45 (5.0)
 Education and learning support 2 (1.8) 43 (4.8)
 Construction - (-) b 36 (4.0)
 Eating/drinking, hotel business - (-) b 15 (1.7)
 Agriculture and industry - (-) b 5 (0.6)
 Others/unknown - (-) b 8 (0.9)
Organization size (number of employees)
 ≥1000 22 (19.8) 311 (34.4)
 300–999 28 (25.2) 150 (16.6)
 50–299 30 (27.0) 242 (26.8)
 <50 31 (27.9) 173 (19.1)
 Unknown - (-) b 28 (3.1)
Healthcare worker details
  Physicians 4 (3.6)
  Nurses/midwives 15 (13.5)
 Other health care workers (eg, pharmacists, clinical laboratory technicians) 61 (55.0)
 Health care workers but not working in clinical settings 31 (27.9)

a The Japanese Government has designated 13 prefectures (Tokyo, Osaka, Hyogo, Hokkaido, Ibaraki, Saitama, Chiba, Kanagawa, Ishikawa, Gifu, Aichi, Kyoto and Fukuoka) as specified prefectures for COVID-19.

b No cases.


<16 years 39 (35.1)

>16 years 72 (64.9).

The correct numbers are reported in the table to the left.