Key term: cohort study

Original article [online first; 14 February 2025]   pdf
Working behaviors and the risk of sensorineural hearing loss: A large cohort study
Pang W, Song Y, Xie J, Yan X, Luo Y, Qiu K, Rao Y, Deng D, Mao M, Li J, Cheng D, Xu W, Ren J, Zhao Y
Original article [online first; 14 December 2024]   pdf
Occupational exposures of firefighting and prostate cancer risk in the Norwegian Fire Departments Cohort
Marjerrison N, Grimsrud TK, Hansen J, Martinsen JI, Nordby K-C, Olsen R, Stenehjem JS, Veierød MB, Kjærheim K
Original article 2024;50(6):406-415   pdf full text
Physical activity and risk of workplace and commuting injuries: a cohort study
Alhainen M, Härmä M, Pentti J, Ervasti J, Kivimäki M, Vahtera J, Stenholm S
Original article 2024;50(4):279-289   pdf full text
Does country of resettlement influence the risk of labor market marginalization among refugees? A cohort study in Sweden and Norway
Amin R, Mittendorfer-Rutz E, Undem K, Mehlum IS, Hasting RL
Original article 2024;50(5):372-379   pdf full text
The asbestos–asbestosis exposure–response relationship: a cohort study of the general working population
Iversen IB, Vestergaard JM, Ohlander J, Peters S, Bendstrup E, Bonde JPE, Schlünssen V, Bønløkke JH, Rasmussen F, Stokholm ZA, Andersen MB, Kromhout H, Kolstad HA
Original article 2024;50(3):208-217   pdf full text
The adequacy of workplace accommodation and the incidence of permanent employment separations after a disabling work injury or illness
Mustard CA, Orchard C, Dobson KG, Carnide N, Smith PM
Original article 2024;50(3):142-151   pdf full text
Night shift work and cardiovascular diseases among employees in Germany: five-year follow-up of the Gutenberg Health Study
Jankowiak S, Rossnagel K, Bauer J, Schulz A, Liebers F, Latza U, Romero Starke K, Seidler A, Nübling M, Riechmann-Wolf M, Letzel S, Wild P, Arnold N, Beutel M, Pfeiffer N, Lackner K, Münzel T, Schulze A, Hegewald J
Original article 2023;49(7):466-476   pdf full text
The effects of a national, voluntary agreement for a more inclusive working life on work participation following long-term sickness absence: a Norwegian cohort study
Hasting RL, Mehlum IS, Undem K, Robroek SJW, Burdorf A, Gran JM, Merkus SL
Original article 2023;49(7):518-525   pdf full text
A cohort study of retinal detachment among Swedish construction workers
Schott KD, Kriebel D, Sama SR, Buchholz BO, Järvholm B, Wahlström J
Original article 2023;49(4):283-292   pdf full text
Duration and intensity of occupational lifting and risk of long-term sickness absence: Prospective cohort study with register follow-up among 45 000 workers
Bláfoss R, Skovlund SV, Skals S, Sundstrup E, López-Bueno R, Calatayud J, Andersen LL
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