Original article2019;45(3):289-297
pdf full text Labor market affiliation after deployment: Danish soldiers fare well, but face increased risk of long-term sickness absence when returning from Afghanistan
Original article2019;45(2):166-173
pdf full text Short time between shifts and risk of injury among Danish hospital workers: a register-based cohort study
Original article2019;45(2):126-133
pdf full text Bi-directional relation between effort‒reward imbalance and risk of neck-shoulder pain: assessment of mediation through depressive symptoms using occupational longitudinal data
Original article2018;44(5):496-502
pdf full text Sickness absence in a re-employment program as a predictor of labor market attachment among long-term unemployed individuals: A 6-year cohort study in Finland
Original article2018;44(5):485-495
pdf full text Clustering of job strain, effort−reward imbalance, and organizational injustice and the risk of work disability: a cohort study
Original article2018;44(2):147-155
pdf full text Identifying return-to-work trajectories using sequence analysis in a cohort of workers with work-related musculoskeletal disorders
Original article2017;43(6):560-568
pdf full text Shift work and the incidence of prostate cancer: a 10-year follow-up of a German population-based cohort study
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