Author: Dyreborg J

Original article 2023;49(4):271-282   pdf full text
Trajectories of marginal part-time work and risk of depression. Does job or income insecurity mediate the relation?
Nielsen HB, Kirchheiner-Rasmussen J, Dyreborg J, Larsen AD, Madsen IEH, Pedersen J, Garde AH
Original article 2019;45(2):166-173   pdf full text
Short time between shifts and risk of injury among Danish hospital workers: a register-based cohort study
Nielsen HB, Hansen ÅM, Conway SH, Dyreborg J, Hansen J, Kolstad HA, Larsen AD, Nabe-Nielsen K, Pompeii LA, Garde AH
Original article 2018;44(4):385-393   pdf full text
Risk of injury after evening and night work – findings from the Danish Working Hour Database
Nielsen HB, Larsen AD, Dyreborg J, Hansen ÅM, Pompeii LA, Conway SH, Hansen J, Kolstad HA, Nabe-Nielsen K, Garde AH
Original article 2018;44(4):370-376   pdf full text
Is perception of safety climate a relevant predictor for occupational accidents? Prospective cohort study among blue-collar workers
Ajslev JZN, Sundstrup E, Jakobsen MD, Kines P, Dyreborg J, Andersen LL
Original article 2017;43(6):578-586   pdf full text
Night work, long work weeks, and risk of accidental injuries. A register-based study
Larsen AD, Hannerz H, Møller SV, Dyreborg J, Bonde JP, Hansen J, Kolstad HA, Hansen ÅM, Garde AH
Original article 2009;35(4):294-300   pdf
Work-relatedness of mood disorders in Denmark
Hannerz H, Tüchsen F, Holbæk Pedersen B, Dyreborg J, Rugulies R, Albertsen K
Supplement article 2005;31 suppl 2:104-109   pdf
Efficiency in reducing lost-time injuries of a nurse-based and a first-aid-based on-site medical facility
Spangenberg S, Mikkelsen KL, Kines P, Dyreborg J