Author: Mehlum IS

Original article [online first; 16 December 2024]   pdf
Development of a gender-specific European job exposure matrix (EuroJEM) for physical workload and its validation against musculoskeletal pain
Solovieva S, Descatha A, Mehlum IS, Viikari-Juntura E, Undem K, Berglund K, Gilbert F, Wuytack F, d’Errico A, Badarin K, Evanoff B, Kjellberg K
Original article 2024;50(6):426-436   pdf full text
Gender and educational differences in work participation and working years lost in Norway
Merkus SL, Hoff R, Hasting RL, Undem K, Robroek SJW, Gran JM, Mehlum IS
Original article 2024;50(4):279-289   pdf full text
Does country of resettlement influence the risk of labor market marginalization among refugees? A cohort study in Sweden and Norway
Amin R, Mittendorfer-Rutz E, Undem K, Mehlum IS, Hasting RL
Original article 2023;49(7):466-476   pdf full text
The effects of a national, voluntary agreement for a more inclusive working life on work participation following long-term sickness absence: a Norwegian cohort study
Hasting RL, Mehlum IS, Undem K, Robroek SJW, Burdorf A, Gran JM, Merkus SL
Original article 2023;49(1):84-94   pdf full text
Occupational risk of COVID-19 related hospital admission in Denmark 2020–2021: a follow-up study
Bonde JPE, Sell L, Flachs EM, Coggon D, Albin M, Oude Hengel KM, Kolstad H, Mehlum IS, Schlünssen V, Solovieva S, Torén K, Jakobsson K, Nielsen C, Nilsson K, Rylander L, Petersen KU, Tøttenborg SS
Discussion paper 2022;48(4):312-321   pdf full text
The differentiated roles of health in the transition from work to retirement – conceptual and methodological challenges and avenues for future research
Hasselhorn HM, Leinonen T, Bültmann U, Mehlum IS, du Prel J-B, Kiran S, Majery N, Solovieva S, de Wind A
Discussion paper 2021;47(7):550-560   pdf full text
Working life, health and well-being of parents: a joint effort to uncover hidden treasures in European birth cohorts
Ubalde-Lopez M, Garani-Papadatos T, Scelo G, Casas M, Lissåker C, Peters S, Nohr EA, Albin M, Lucas R, Papantoniou K, Polańska K, Ramlau-Hansen CH, Šarac J, Selander J, Skröder H, Vasileiou E, Kogevinas M, Bültmann U, Mehlum IS, Maule M
Review 2021;47(2):95-107   pdf full text
Harmonized definition of occupational burnout: A systematic review, semantic analysis, and Delphi consensus in 29 countries
Guseva Canu I, Marca SC, Dell'Oro F, Balázs Á, Bergamaschi E, Besse C, Bianchi R, Bislimovska J, Koscec Bjelajac A, Bugge M, Busneag CI, Çağlayan Ç, Cernițanu M, Costa Pereira C, Dernovšček Hafner N, Droz N, Eglite M, Godderis L, Gündel H, Hakanen JJ, Iordache RM, Khireddine-Medouni I, Kiran S, Larese-Filon F, Lazor-Blanchet C, Légeron P, Loney T, Majery N, Merisalu E, Mehlum IS, Michaud L, Mijakoski D, Minov J, Modenese A, Molan M, van der Molen H, Nena E, Nolimal D, Otelea M, Pletea E, Pranjic N, Rebergen D, Reste J, Schernhammer E, Wahlen A
Discussion paper 2020;46(3):321-329   pdf full text
Precarious employment in occupational health – an OMEGA-NET working group position paper
Bodin T, Çağlayan C, Garde AH, Gnesi M, Jonsson J, Kiran S, Kreshpaj B, Leinonen T, Mehlum IS, Nena E, Orellana C, Peckham T, Seixas N, Vanroelen C, Julià M
Original article 2019;45(3):239-247   pdf full text
Mechanical and psychosocial work exposures: the construction and evaluation of a gender-specific job exposure matrix (JEM)
Hanvold TN, Sterud T, Kristensen P, Mehlum IS
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