Author: Nyberg ST

Original article 2023;49(8):610-620   pdf full text
Predicting long-term sickness absence with employee questionnaires and administrative records: a prospective cohort study of hospital employees
Nyberg ST, Elovainio M, Pentti J, Frank P, Ervasti J, Härmä M, Koskinen A, Peutere L, Ropponen A, Vahtera J, Virtanen M, Airaksinen J, Batty GD, Kivimäki M
Original article 2020;46(5):498-507   pdf full text
Persistent and changing job strain and risk of coronary heart disease. A population-based cohort study of 1.6 million employees in Denmark
Rugulies R, Framke E, Sørensen JK, Svane-Petersen AC, Alexanderson K, Bonde JP, Farrants K, Flachs EM, Magnusson Hanson LL, Nyberg ST, Kivimäki M, Madsen IEH
Review 2018;44(3):239-250   pdf
Long working hours and depressive symptoms: systematic review and meta-analysis of published studies and unpublished individual participant data
Virtanen M, Jokela M, Madsen IEH, Magnusson Hanson LL, Lallukka T, Nyberg ST, Alfredsson L, Batty GD, Bjorner JB, Borritz M, Burr H, Dragano N, Erbel R, Ferrie JE, Heikkilä K, Knutsson A, Koskenvuo M, Lahelma E, Nielsen ML, Oksanen T, Pejtersen JH, Pentti J, Rahkonen O, Rugulies R, Salo P, Schupp J, Shipley MJ, Siegrist J, Singh-Manoux A, Suominen SB, Theorell T, Vahtera J, Wagner GG, Wang JL, Yiengprugsawan V, Westerlund H, Kivimäki M
Letter to the Editor 2015;41(5):506-507   pdf full text
Authors’ reply: Calculation of population attributable risk should to be based on robust estimates
Kivimäki M, Nyberg ST, Kawachi I