Key term: efficiency

Original article 2019;45(1):42-52   pdf full text
The impact of workplace ergonomics and neck-specific exercise versus ergonomics and health promotion interventions on office worker productivity: A cluster-randomized trial
Pereira M, Comans T, Sjøgaard G, Straker L, Melloh M, O’Leary S, Chen X, Johnston V
Editorial 2010;36(4):269-271   pdf
How do we know if monetary incentives are effective and efficient for controlling health and safety risks at work?
Verbeek J
Original article 2008;34(2):120-132   pdf
Risk factors for generally reduced productivity—a prospective cohort study of young adults with neck or upper-extremity musculoskeletal symptoms
Boström M, Dellve L, Thomée S, Hagberg M
Supplement article 2005;31 suppl 2:104-109   pdf
Efficiency in reducing lost-time injuries of a nurse-based and a first-aid-based on-site medical facility
Spangenberg S, Mikkelsen KL, Kines P, Dyreborg J
Original article 2004;30(1):36-46   pdf
Costs, benefits and effectiveness of worksite physical activity counseling from the employer`s perspective
Proper KI, de Bruyne MC, Hildebrandt VH, van der Beek AJ, Meerding WJ, van Mechelen W