Key term: Karasek

Letter to the Editor 2019;45(2):209-210   pdf full text
Positive association between job decision authority and systolic blood pressure: a statistical artifact?
Choi B, Juárez-Garcia A
Original article 2018;44(6):601-612   pdf full text
Association between demand–control model components and blood pressure in the ELSA-Brasil study: exploring heterogeneity using quantile regression analyses
Juvanhol LL, Melo ECP, Chor D, Fonseca MJM, Rotenberg L, Bastos LS, Mill JG, Griep RH
Original article 2015;41(3):280-287   pdf full text
Psychosocial work environment and risk of ischemic stroke and coronary heart disease: a prospective longitudinal study of 75 236 construction workers
Schiöler L, Söderberg M, Rosengren A, Järvholm B, Torén K
Commentary 2014;40(1):89-95   pdf full text
Commentary triggered by the Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis Consortium study of job strain and myocardial infarction risk
Theorell T
Review 2014;40(2):109-132   pdf full text
Adverse effects of psychosocial work factors on blood pressure: systematic review of studies on demand–control–support and effort–reward imbalance models
Gilbert-Ouimet M, Trudel X, Brisson C, Milot A, Vézina M