Key term: human

Original article 1975;1(1):54-59   pdf
Blood cell delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase activity in humans exposed to methylmercury.
Schutz A, Skerfving S
1978;4 suppl 2:84-91   pdf
Pharmacokinetics of inhaled styrene in rats and humans.
Ramsey JC, Young JD
Original article 1978;4(1):66-72   pdf
Acute effects of tetraethyltiuram disulfide on serum levels of hypophyseal hormones in humans.
Cavalleri A, Polatti F, Bolis PF
Original article 1979;5(4):333-335   pdf
Increased frequency of chromosome aberrations in workers exposed to styrene.
Högstedt B, Hedner K, Mark-Vendel E, Mitelman F, Schütz A, Skerfving S
Original article 1981;7(2):84-94   pdf
Exposure to acetone. Uptake and elimination in man.
Wigaeus E, Holm S, Åstrand I
Original article 1982;8(1):63-69   pdf
Application of the chicken embryo in testing for embryotoxicity: thiurams.
Korhonen A, Hemminki K, Vainio H
Article SJWEH Suppl 2007; (3):7-9   pdf
From work with display units in 1986 to work with computing systems in 2007
Knave B
Sessions on the toxicology of agricultural exposures and cancer 2005;31 suppl 1:156-163   pdf
Pesticide metabolism in humans, including polymorphisms
Rose RL, Tang J, Choi J, Cao Y, Usmani A, Cherrington N, Hodgson E
Sessions on the toxicology of agricultural exposures and cancer 2005;31 suppl 1:141-145   pdf
Agricultural chemicals and endocrine-mediated chronic toxicity or carcinogenicity
Barlow SM
Original article 2004;30(4):313-321   pdf
Acute respiratory effects of exposure to ammonia on healthy subjects
Sundblad B-M, Larsson B-M, Acevedo F, Ernstgård L, Johanson G, Larsson K, Palmberg L
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