Author: Åkerstedt T

Original article 2020;46(5):508-515   pdf full text
Night work, mortality, and the link to occupational group and sex
Åkerstedt T, Narusyte J, Svedberg P
Original article 2018;44(1):88-95   pdf full text
Are professional drivers less sleepy than non-professional drivers?
Anund A, Ahlström C, Fors C, Åkerstedt T
Original article 2017;43(5):485-493   pdf full text
Shift work and cognitive aging: a longitudinal study
Bokenberger K, Ström P, Dahl Aslan AK, Åkerstedt T, Pedersen NL
Original article 2017;43(2):109-116   pdf full text
The impact of reduced worktime on sleep and perceived stress – a group randomized intervention study using diary data
Schiller H, Lekander M, Rajaleid K, Hellgren C, Åkerstedt T, Barck-Holst P, Kecklund G
Original article 2013;39(2):170-177   pdf full text
Breast cancer among shift workers: results of the WOLF longitudinal cohort study
Knutsson A, Alfredsson L, Karlsson B, Åkerstedt T, Fransson EI, Westerholm P, Westerlund H
Original article 2012;38(4):327-336   pdf
Periodic self-rostering in shift work: correspondence between objective work hours, work hour preferences (personal fit), and work schedule satisfaction
Ingre M, Åkerstedt T, Ekstedt M, Kecklund G
Consensus report 2012;38(4):380-390   pdf
Work at night and breast cancer – report on evidence-based options for preventive actions
Bonde JP, Hansen J, Kolstad HA, Mikkelsen S, Olsen JH, Blask DE, Härmä M, Kjuus H, de Koning HJ, Olsen J, Møller M, Schernhammer ES, Stevens RG, Åkerstedt T
Original article 1981;7(3):196-203   pdf
Age, sleep and irregular workhours – a field study with electroencephalographic recordings, catecholamine excretion and self-ratings
Torsvall H, Åkerstedt T, Gillberg M
Original article 2010;36(6):458-465   pdf
The impact of junior doctors’ worktime arrangements on their fatigue and well-being
Tucker P, Brown M, Dahlgren A, Davies G, Ebden P, Folkard S, Hutchings H, Åkerstedt T
Original article 1980;6(4):283-290   pdf
A diurnal type scale. Construction, consistency and validation in shift work.
Torsvall L, Åkerstedt T
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