Author: Vehmas T

Letter to the Editor 2016;42(1):95-96   pdf full text
Response by the organizers of the Helsinki criteria updates 2014: Criteria for asbestos-related diseases need periodic updates
Wolff H, Vehmas T, Oksa P, Tuomi T, Rantanen J, Vainio H
Consensus report 2015;41(1):5-15   pdf full text
Asbestos, asbestosis, and cancer, the Helsinki criteria for diagnosis and attribution 2014: recommendations
Wolff H, reporter, Vehmas T, reporter, Oksa P, reporter, Rantanen J, reporter, Vainio H, reporter
Original article SJWEH Suppl 2006; (2):54-60   pdf
Effect of industrial solvent exposure on blood pressure and liver ultrasound echogenicity
Kaukiainen A, Martikainen R, Luoma K, Taskinen H, Helin K, Vehmas T
Original article 2005;31(1):44-51   pdf
Impairment of lung function in asbestos-exposed workers in relation to high-resolution computed tomography
Piirilä P, Lindqvist M, Huuskonen O, Kaleva S, Koskinen H, Lehtola H, Vehmas T, Kivisaari L, Sovijärvi ARA
Review 2003;29(3):189-196   pdf
Magnetic resonance imaging findings in respect to carpal tunnel syndrome
Pasternack II, Malmivaara A, Tervahartiala P, Forsberg H, Vehmas T
Original article 2001;27(2):106-112   pdf
High-resolution computed tomography classification of lung fibrosis for patients with asbestos-related disease
Huuskonen O, Kivisaari L, Zitting A, Taskinen K, Tossavainen A, Vehmas T