Author: Broberg K

Original article 2024;50(8):602-612   pdf full text
Associations between bioaerosols, lung function work-shift changes and inflammatory markers: A study of recycling workers
Hansen KK, Schlünssen V, Broberg K, Østergaard K, Frederiksen MW, Sigsgaard T, Madsen AM, Kolstad HA
Editorial 2024;50(5):311-316   pdf full text
Integrating a life course perspective in work environment and health research: empirical challenges and interdisciplinary opportunities
Bültmann U, Broberg K, Selander J
Original article 2023;49(2):145-154   pdf full text
Short and long-term associations between serum proteins linked to cardiovascular disease and particle exposure among constructions workers
Gliga AR, Grahn K, Gustavsson P, Ljungman P, Albin M, Selander J, Broberg K
Editorial 2022;48(1):1-3   pdf full text
An occupational exposure limit for welding fumes is urgently needed
Sjögren B, Albin M, Broberg K, Gustavsson P, Tinnerberg H, Johanson G
Original article 2022;48(1):21-30   pdf full text
Cancer-related changes and low-to-moderate exposure to welding fumes: A longitudinal study
Dauter UM, Alhamdow A, Cediel-Ulloa A, Gliga AR, Albin M, Broberg K
Original article 2021;47(1):52-61   pdf full text
Effect of welding fumes on the cardiovascular system: a six-year longitudinal study
Taj T, Gliga AR, Hedmer M, Wahlberg K, Assarsson E, Lundh T, Tinnerberg H, Albin M, Broberg K
Editorial 2018;44(1):1-2   pdf full text
Water, rest, shade: Can simple actions stop an epidemic of chronic kidney disease of unknown etiology among farm workers in Central America?
Broberg K
Original article 2011;37(4):316-324   pdf
N–nitrosamines are associated with shorter telomere length
Li H, Jönsson BAG, Lindh CH, Albin M, Broberg K
Original article 2007;33(4):280-285   pdf
Eye and airway symptoms in low occupational exposure to toluene diisocyanate
Littorin M, Axmon A, Broberg K, Sennbro CJ, Tinnerberg H
Original article 2007;33(4):272-279   pdf
Symptoms and immunologic markers among vulcanization workers in rubber industries in southern Sweden
Jönsson LS, Broberg K, Axmon A, Jönsson BAG, Littorin M