Key term: case-referent study

Original article 1988;14(5):293-298   pdf
Office employment, work with video display terminals, and course of pregnancy. Reference mothers' experience from a Finnish case-referent study of birth defects.
Nurminen T, Kurppa K
Letter to the Editor 1989;15(2):156-158   pdf
Re: "Office Employment, Work with Video Display Terminals, and Course of Pregnancy: Reference Mothers` Experience from a Finnish Case-Referent Study of Birth Defects" by T Nurminen, K Kurppa.
Marcus M
Original article 1993;19(2):108-114   pdf
Role of the herbicide atrazine in the development of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
Hoar Zahm S, Weisenburger DD, Cantor KP, Holmes FF, Blair A
Letter to the Editor 1994;20(3):223-226   pdf
Re: "Role of the herbicide atrazine in the development of non-Hodgkin`s lymphoma" by S Hoar Zahm, DD Weisburger, KP Kantor, FF Holmes, A Blair. Scand J Work Environ Health 1993; 19:108-14.
Crosignani P, Berrino F
Original article 2002;28(4):278-284   pdf
Occupational dust exposure and the risk of laryngeal cancer in Turkey
Elci OC, Akpinar-Elci M, Blair A, Dosemeci M
Original article 2002;28(4):270-277   pdf
Occupation as a risk factor for uveal melanoma in Germany
Monárrez-Espino J, Stang A, Bromen K, Merzenich H, Anastassiou G, Jöckel K-H
Original article 2002;28(4):249-255   pdf
Sleep apnea and occupational exposure to solvents
Heiskel H, Gunzenhäuser D, Seidler A, Volk S, Pflug B, Kauppinen T, Elsner G
Original article 2002;28(1):42-48   pdf
Occupational exposure to magnetic fields in case-referent studies of neurodegenerative diseases
Noonan CW, Reif JS, Yost M, Touchstone J
Original article 2002;28(1):25-32   pdf
Physical workload and the risk of severe knee osteoarthritis
Manninen P, Heliövaara M, Riihimäki H, Suomalainen O
Original article 2001;27(4):233-239   pdf
Occupation and the risk of laryngeal cancer in Turkey
Elci OC, Dosemeci M, Blair A
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