Key term: exposure measurement

Original article 2023;49(8):549-557   pdf full text
Development and evaluation of the gender-specific CONSTANCES job exposure matrix for physical risk factors in France
Wuytack F, Evanoff BA, Dale AM, Gilbert F, Fadel M, Leclerc A, Descatha A
Original article 1977;3(3):109-115   pdf
Statistical evaluation of the results of measurements of occupational exposure to air contaminants. A suggested method of dealing with short-period samples taken during one whole shift when noncompliance with occupational health standards is being determined.
Ulfvarson U
Sessions on exposure assessment 2005;31 suppl 1:115-117   pdf
Integrating exposure measurements into epidemiologic studies in agriculture
Hoppin JA
Original article 1999;25(5):404-409   pdf
Comparison of four peak spinal loading exposure measurement methods and their association with low-back pain
Neumann WP, Wells RP, Norman RW, Andrews DM, Frank J, Shannon HS, Kerr MS