Key term: ultraviolet radiation

Original article 2020;46(5):461-468   pdf full text
Cancer incidence among seafarers and fishermen in the Nordic countries
Ugelvig Petersen K, Pukkala E, Martinsen JI, Lynge E, Tryggvadottir L, Weiderpass E, Kjærheim K, Heikkinen S, Hansen J
Original article 2018;44(6):647-657   pdf full text
Indoor, outdoor, and night work and blood concentrations of vitamin D and parathyroid hormone
Daugaard S, Garde AH, Hansen ÅM, Vistisen HT, Rejnmark L, Kolstad HA
Letter to the Editor 2017;43(3):287-288   pdf full text
Ocular ultraviolet radiation exposure of welders
Tenkate TD
Original article 2016;42(5):447-453   pdf full text
The risk of cataract in relation to metal arc welding
Slagor RM, La Cour M, Bonde JP
Commentary 2000;26(6):529-531   pdf
Cancer-preventive effects of sunscreens are uncertain
Vainio H, Bianchini F