Key term: Canada

Original article 2024;50(7):545-554   pdf full text
Heat-related illness among workers in British Columbia, Canada: Extreme hot weather in 2021 compared to 2001–2020
Guo X, Weinberger KR, Tamburic L, Peters CE, McLeod CB
Original article 2022;48(4):273-282   pdf full text
Higher unemployment and higher work-related traumatic fatality: trends and associations from the Canadian province of Saskatchewan, 2007–2018
Essien SK, Trask C, Feng C
Original article 2021;47(7):531-539   pdf full text
Aluminum dust exposure and risk of neurodegenerative diseases in a cohort of male miners in Ontario, Canada
Zeng X, MacLeod J, Berriault C, DeBono NL, Arrandale VH, Harris AM, Demers PA
Original article 2021;47(4):296-305   pdf full text
Impact of anxiety and depression disorders on sustained return to work after work-related musculoskeletal strain or sprain: a gender stratified cohort study
Jones AM, Koehoorn M, Bültmann U, McLeod CB
Original article 2019;45(6):600-609   pdf full text
Glyphosate use and associations with non-Hodgkin lymphoma major histological sub-types: findings from the North American Pooled Project
Pahwa M, Beane Freeman LE, Spinelli JJ, Blair A, McLaughlin JR, Zahm SH, Cantor KP, Weisenburger DD, Punam Pahwa, Dosman JA, Demers PA, Harris SA
Short communication 2019;45(3):308-311   pdf full text
What do employers spend to protect the health of workers?
Mustard C, Tompa E, Landsman V, Lay M
Original article 2016;42(5):413-422   pdf full text
The relationship between chronic conditions and absenteeism and associated costs in Canada
Zhang W, McLeod CB, Koehoorn M
Original article 2014;40(6):621-630   pdf full text
For better or worse? Changing shift schedules and the risk of work injury among men and women
Wong IS, Smith PM, Mustard CA, Gignac MAM
Original article 2013;39(4):401-410   pdf full text
Assessment of the effect of occupational exposure to formaldehyde on the risk of lung cancer in two Canadian population-based case–control studies
Mahboubi A, Koushik A, Siemiatycki J, Lavoué J, Rousseau M-C
Review 2012;38(6):503-515   pdf
Unrecognized risks of nickel-related respiratory cancer among Canadian electrolysis workers
Grimsrud TK, Andersen A
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