Key term: review

Review 2011;37(1):1-5   pdf
Physical conditioning programs for improving work outcomes among workers with back pain
Schaafsma F, Schonstein E, Ojajärvi A, ­Verbeek J
Review 2010;36(4):289-298   pdf
A review of case studies evaluating economic incentives to promote occupational safety and health
Elsler D, Treutlein D, Rydlewska I, Frusteri L, Krüger H, Veerman T, Eeckelaert L, Roskams N, Van Den Broek K, Taylor TN
Review 2010;36(4):273-288   pdf
Economic evaluations of occupational health interventions from a corporate perspective – a systematic review of methodological quality
Uegaki K, de Bruijne MC, Lambeek L, Anema JR, van der Beek AJ, van Mechelen W, van Tulder MW
Amendments and corrections 1977;3(2):108-108
Bronchial asthma of occupational origin
Brooks SM
Review 1986;12(1):1-15   pdf  pdf
Brain tumors and occupational risk factors - a review
Thomas TL, Waxweiler RJ
Amendments and corrections 1985;11(6):500-500   pdf
Re: Skulberg KR, Gylseth B, Skaug V, Hanoa R. Mica pneumoconiosis - A litera ture review. Scand J Work Environ Health 11 (1985) 65-74.
Skulberg KR, Gylseth B, Skaug V, Hanoa R
Review 2010;36(2):121-133   pdf
Shift work, sleep, and sleepiness - differences between shift schedules and systems
Sallinen M, Kecklund G
Review 2010;36(2):85-95   pdf
Gastrointestinal disorders among shift workers
Knutsson A, Bøggild H
Review 2010;36(3):189-201   pdf
Associations between work-related factors and specific disorders of the shoulder – a systematic review of the literature
van Rijn RM, Huisstede BMA, Koes BW, Burdorf A
Review 2010;36(2):96-108   pdf
Shift work and cardiovascular disease – pathways from circadian stress to morbidity
Puttonen S, Härmä M, Hublin C
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