Key term: review

Review 2016;42(3):181-191   pdf full text
Interventions to reduce sedentary behavior and increase physical activity during productive work: a systematic review
Commissaris DACM, Huysmans MA, Mathiassen SE, Srinivasan D, Koppes LLJ, Hendriksen IJM
Review 2016;42(1):3-16   pdf full text
Systematic review of qualitative literature on occupational health and safety legislation and regulatory enforcement planning and implementation
MacEachen E, Kosny A, Ståhl C, O’Hagan F, Redgrift L, Sanford S, Carrasco C, Tompa E, Mahood Q
Review 2015;41(5):425-440   pdf full text
A systematic review of the sleep, sleepiness, and performance implications of limited wake shift work schedules
Short MA, Agostini A, Lushington K, Dorrian J
Review 2014;40(6):543-556   pdf full text
Health-related interventions among night shift workers: a critical review of the literature
Neil-Sztramko SE, Pahwa M, Demers PA, Gotay CC
Review 2014;40(3):215-229   pdf full text
Occurrence of delayed-onset post-traumatic stress disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies
Utzon-Frank N, Breinegaard N, Bertelsen M, Borritz M, Eller NH, Nordentoft M, Olesen K, Rod NH, Rugulies R, Bonde JP
Review 2014;40(3):230-234   pdf full text
A meta-analysis of health effects of randomized controlled worksite interventions: Does social stratification matter?
Montano D, Hoven H, Siegrist J
Review 2014;40(2):133-145   pdf full text
Associations of work activities requiring pinch or hand grip or exposure to hand-arm vibration with finger and wrist osteoarthritis: a meta-analysis
Hammer PEC, Shiri R, Kryger AI, Kirkeskov L, Bonde JP
Review 2014;40(1):19-35   pdf full text
Occupational chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a systematic literature review
Omland Ø, Würtz ET, Aasen TB, Blanc P, Brisman J, Miller MR, Pedersen OF, Schlünssen V, Sigsgaard T, Ulrik CS, Viskum S
Review 2014;40(1):5-18   pdf full text
The association between long working hours and health: A systematic review of epidemiological evidence
Bannai A, Tamakoshi A
Review 2013;39(6):535-549   pdf full text
Psychosocial work characteristics and sleep quality: a systematic review of longitudinal and intervention research
Van Laethem M, Beckers DGJ, Kompier MAJ, Dijksterhuis A, Geurts SAE
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