pdf full text How effective are interventions in optimizing workplace mental health and well-being? A scoping review of reviews and evidence map
pdf full text Towards a better understanding of work participation among employees with common mental health problems: a systematic realist review
pdf full text Is job strain associated with a higher risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus? A systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies
pdf full text Work-related exposure to violence or threats and risk of mental disorders and symptoms: a systematic review and meta-analysis
pdf full text What is precarious employment? A systematic review of definitions and operationalizations from quantitative and qualitative studies
pdf full text Health economic evaluations of interventions to increase physical activity and decrease sedentary behavior at the workplace: a systematic review
pdf full text Fatigue and risk of sickness absence in the working population: A systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal studies
pdf full text Current state of knowledge on the health effects of engineered nanomaterials in workers: a systematic review of human studies and epidemiological investigations
pdf full text Effectiveness of psychological and educational interventions for the prevention of depression in the workplace: A systematic review and meta-analysis
pdf full text Systematic literature review on the effects of occupational safety and health (OSH) interventions at the workplace
pdf full text The contribution of work and lifestyle factors to socioeconomic inequalities in self-rated health ‒ a systematic review
pdf full text Content and quality of workplace guidelines developed to prevent mental health problems: results from a systematic review
pdf full text Otoacoustic emissions versus audiometry in monitoring hearing loss after long-term noise exposure – a systematic review
pdf full text Productivity estimation in economic evaluations of occupational health and safety interventions: a systematic review
pdf Shift work and the risk of cardiovascular disease. A systematic review and meta-analysis including dose–response relationship
pdf full text Are work organization interventions effective in preventing or reducing work-related musculoskeletal disorders? A systematic review of the literature
pdf full text Effectiveness of very early workplace interventions to reduce sickness absence: a systematic review of the literature and meta-analysis
pdf full text Interventions to reduce sedentary behavior and increase physical activity during productive work: a systematic review
pdf full text Systematic review of qualitative literature on occupational health and safety legislation and regulatory enforcement planning and implementation
pdf full text Occurrence of delayed-onset post-traumatic stress disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies
pdf full text A meta-analysis of health effects of randomized controlled worksite interventions: Does social stratification matter?
pdf full text Associations of work activities requiring pinch or hand grip or exposure to hand-arm vibration with finger and wrist osteoarthritis: a meta-analysis
pdf full text Psychosocial work characteristics and sleep quality: a systematic review of longitudinal and intervention research
pdf full text Miscarriage and occupational activity: a systematic review and meta-analysis regarding shift work, working hours, lifting, standing, and physical workload
pdf full text Risk and prognosis of inguinal hernia in relation to occupational mechanical exposures - a systematic review of the epidemiologic evidence
pdf The association between study characteristics and outcome in the relation between job stress and cardiovascular disease – a multilevel meta-regression analysis
pdf Economic evaluations of occupational health interventions from a corporate perspective – a systematic review of methodological quality
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Original article1989;15(3):165-179
pdf Cardiovascular diseases and the work environment. A critical review of the epidemiologic literature on nonchemical factors.
pdf Common prognostic factors of work disability among employees with a chronic somatic disease: a systematic review of cohort studies
ArticleSJWEH Suppl 2007; (3):68-75
pdf Impact of time pressure and pauses on physiological responses to standardized computer mouse use—a review of three papers focusing on mechanisms behind computer-related disorders
pdf Estimating the relative risk of pancreatic cancer associated with exposure agents in job title data in a hierarchical Bayesian meta-analysis
Amendments and corrections2007;33(3):240-240
pdf Re: Ahonen EQ, Benavides FG, Benach J. Immigrant populations, work and health—a systematic literature review. Scand J Work Environ Health 2007;33(2):96–104.
Supplement article2005;31 suppl 2:75-87
pdf Effectiveness of measures and implementation strategies in reducing physical work demands due to manual handling at work
Sessions on the toxicology of agricultural exposures and cancer2005;31 suppl 1:141-145
pdf Agricultural chemicals and endocrine-mediated chronic toxicity or carcinogenicity
Sessions on exposure assessment2005;31 suppl 1:110-114
pdf Exposure assessment as a component of observational health studies and environmental risk assessment
Sessions on the epidemiology of agricultural exposure and cancer2005;31 suppl 1:26-32
pdf Metabolic susceptibility to agricultural pesticides and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
pdf Gender differences in the relations between work-related physical and psychosocial risk factors and musculoskeletal complaints
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