Key term: quasi-experimental study

Original article 2024;50(3):187-196   pdf full text
Effects of a participatory work stress prevention approach for employees in primary education: results of a quasi-experimental study
Bakhuys Roozeboom MC, Wiezer NM, Schelvis RMC, Niks IMW, Boot CRL
Original article 2023;49(8):588-597   pdf full text
Impact of a Finnish reform adding new sickness absence checkpoints on rehabilitation and labor market outcomes: an interrupted time series analysis
Laaksonen M, Blomgren J, Rinne H, Perhoniemi R
Original article 2022;48(3):229-238   pdf full text
Evaluating effectiveness of an integrated return-to-work and vocational rehabilitation program on work disability duration in the construction sector
Macpherson RA, He A, Amick III BC, Koehoorn M, McLeod CB
Original article 2019;45(6):651-660   pdf full text
The effectiveness of vocational rehabilitation on work participation: a propensity score matched analysis using nationwide register data
Leinonen T, Viikari-Juntura E, Husgafvel-Pursiainen K, Juvonen-Posti P, Laaksonen M, Solovieva S