Author: Proper KI

Original article 2017;43(2):127-135   pdf full text
Shift workers have similar leisure-time physical activity levels as day workers but are more sedentary at work
Hulsegge G, Gupta N, Holtermann A, Jørgensen MB, Proper KI, van der Beek AJ
Original article 2016;42(6):459-468   pdf full text
Shift workers have a similar diet quality but higher energy intake than day workers
Hulsegge G, Boer JMA, van der Beek AJ, Verschuren WMM, Sluijs I, Vermeulen R, Proper KI
Original article 2013;39(3):284-294   pdf full text
Long-term effects of an occupational health guideline on employees’ body weight-related outcomes, cardiovascular disease risk factors, and quality of life: results from a randomized controlled trial
Verweij LM, Proper KI, Weel ANH, Hulshof CTJ, van Mechelen W
Original article 2013;39(1):66-75   pdf full text
Effectiveness of a worksite lifestyle intervention on vitality, work engagement, productivity, and sick leave: results of a randomized controlled trial
Strijk JE, Proper KI, van Mechelen W, van der Beek AJ
Review 2012;38(5):393-408   pdf
A systematic review of the cost-effectiveness of worksite physical activity and/or nutrition programs
van Dongen JM, Proper KI, van Wier MF, van der Beek AJ, Bongers PM, van Mechelen W, van Tulder MW
Original article 2011;37(5):383-393   pdf
The effectiveness of participatory ergonomics to prevent low-back and neck pain – results of a cluster randomized controlled trial
Driessen MT, Proper KI, Anema JR, Knol DL, Bongers PM, van der Beek AJ
Review 2011;37(1):6-29   pdf
The repeatability and validity of questionnaires assessing occupational physical activity – a systematic review
Kwak L, Proper KI, Hagströmer M, Sjöström M
Review 2010;36(3):202-215   pdf
Lifestyle-focused interventions at the workplace to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease – a systematic review
Groeneveld IF, Proper KI, van der Beek AJ, Hildebrandt VH, van Mechelen W
Original article 2004;30(1):36-46   pdf
Costs, benefits and effectiveness of worksite physical activity counseling from the employer`s perspective
Proper KI, de Bruyne MC, Hildebrandt VH, van der Beek AJ, Meerding WJ, van Mechelen W
Review 2002;28(2):75-84   pdf
Effectiveness of physical activity programs at worksites with respect to work-related outcomes
Proper KI, Staal BJ, Hildebrandt VH, van der Beek AJ, van Mechelen W
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