Author: Burdorf A

Original article 2021;47(3):217-223   pdf full text
Industry mobility and disability benefits in heavy manual jobs: A cohort study of Swedish construction workers
Söderberg M, Stattin M, Robroek SJW, Burdorf A, Järvholm B
Editorial 2020;46(6):554-556   pdf full text
Causal inference and evidence-based recommendations in occupational health and safety research
Rugulies R, Burdorf A
Original article 2021;47(2):163-168   pdf full text
Dust exposure and the impact on hospital readmission of farming and wood industry workers for asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Vested A, Kolstad HA, Basinas I, Burdorf A, Elholm G, Heederik D, Jacobsen GH, Kromhout H, Omland Ø, Schaumburg I, Sigsgaard T, Vestergaard JM, Wouters IM, Schlünssen V
Original article 2021;47(1):5-14   pdf full text
The influence of occupational class and physical workload on working life expectancy among older employees
Schram JLD, Solovieva S, Leinonen T, Viikari-Juntura E, Burdorf A, Robroek SJW
Original article 2021;47(2):127-135   pdf full text
Working conditions and health behavior as causes of educational inequalities in self-rated health: an inverse odds weighting approach
Schram JLD, Oude Groeniger J, Schuring M, Proper KI, van Oostrom SH, Robroek SJW, Burdorf A
Editorial 2020;46(5):455-456   pdf full text
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health goes full open access
Rugulies R, Burdorf A
Editorial 2020;46(5):457-460   pdf full text
Prevention at work needed to curb the worldwide strong increase in knee replacement surgery for working-age osteoarthritis patients
Kuijer PPFM, Burdorf A
Editorial 2020;46(3):229-230   pdf full text
The COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic: consequences for occupational health
Burdorf A, Porru F, Rugulies R
Editorial 2020;46(2):113-116   pdf full text
Advancing mediation analysis in occupational health research
Oude Groeniger J, Burdorf A
Original article 2020;46(1):77-84   pdf full text
Educational differences in duration of working life and loss of paid employment: working life expectancy in The Netherlands
Robroek SJW, Nieboer D, Järvholm B, Burdorf A
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