Original article2017;43(6):526-539
pdf full text A research framework for the development and implementation of interventions preventing work-related musculoskeletal disorders
Original article2017;43(5):447-456
pdf full text Legislative change enabling use of early part-time sick leave enhanced return to work and work participation in Finland
pdf full text Analytical strategies to determine whether job strain is an important risk factor for occurrence of low-back pain
Original article2017;43(1):24-33
pdf full text The influence of poor health on competing exit routes from paid employment among older workers in 11 European countries
Discussion paper2016;42(1):71-79
pdf full text Sustainable employability – definition, conceptualization, and implications: A perspective based on the capability approach
Original article2015;41(5):441-450
pdf full text Educational differences in trajectories of self-rated health before, during, and after entering or leaving paid employment in the European workforce
Discussion paper2015;41(5):491-503
pdf full text Evaluation of occupational health interventions using a randomized controlled trial: challenges and alternative research designs
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