Original article2021;47(5):387-394
pdf full text Heart rate during work and heart rate variability during the following night: a day-by-day investigation on the physical activity paradox among blue-collar workers
Original article2020;46(2):188-197
pdf full text Does occupational lifting affect the risk of hypertension? Cross-sectional and prospective associations in the Copenhagen City Heart Study
Original article2018;44(5):530-538
pdf full text Prolonged sitting at work is associated with a favorable time course of low-back pain among blue-collar workers: a prospective study in the DPhacto cohort
Original article2018;44(1):96-105
pdf full text Is objectively measured sitting at work associated with low-back pain? A cross sectional study in the DPhacto cohort
Original article2015;41(2):140-152
pdf full text Does aerobic exercise improve or impair cardiorespiratory fitness and health among cleaners? A cluster randomized controlled trial
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