Key term: shift worker

Editorial 2024;50(3):129-133   pdf full text
Working hours and cardiovascular disease
Rugulies R
Original article 2024;50(1):22-27   pdf full text
The effect of a night shift nap on post-night shift performance, sleepiness, mood, and first recovery sleep: A randomized crossover trial
Patterson PD, Hilditch CJ, Weaver MD, Roach DGL, Okerman TS, Martin SE, Patterson CG, Weiss LS
Original article 2023;49(2):117-125   pdf full text
Night and evening shifts and risk of calling in sick within the next two days – a case-crossover study design based on day-to-day payroll data
Larsen AD, Nielsen HB, Kirschheiner-Rasmussen J, Hansen J, Hansen ÅM, Kolstad HA, Rugulies R, Garde AH
Original article 2023;49(2):126-135   pdf full text
Effect of vitamin D deficiency on metabolic syndrome among Korean shift workers
Mun E, Lee Y, Lee W, Park S
Original article 2023;49(2):108-116   pdf full text
The association between the use of shift schedule evaluation tool with ergonomics recommendations and occupational injuries: A 4-year prospective cohort study among healthcare workers
Shiri R, Turunen J, Karhula K, Koskinen A, Sallinen M, Ropponen A, Ervasti J, Härmä M
Editorial 2022;48(7):507-510   pdf full text
Scientific challenges of studying shift schedule design
Tucker P
Original article 2022;48(7):511-519   pdf full text
Association between rotating night shift work and carotid intima-media thickness among Chinese steelworkers: a cross-sectional survey
Wang L, Zhang S, Yu M, Wu J, Li X, Yuan J
Original article 2022;48(1):41-51   pdf full text
Changes in melatonin and sex steroid hormone production among men as a result of rotating night shift work – the HORMONIT study
Harding BN, Castaño-Vinyals G, Palomar-Cros A, Papantoniou K, Espinosa A, Skene DJ, Middleton B, Gomez-Gomez A, Navarrete JM, Such P, Torrejón A, Kogevinas M, Pozo OJ
Original article 2022;48(1):31-40   pdf full text
Night and shift work and incidence of cerebrovascular disease – a prospective cohort study of healthcare employees in Stockholm
Bigert C, Kader M, Andersson T, Selander J, Bodin T, Gustavsson P, Härmä M, Ljungman P, Albin M
Original article 2021;47(6):446-455   pdf
The acute effects of working time patterns on fatigue and sleep quality using daily measurements of 6195 observations among 223 shift workers
van de Ven, Hulsegge G, Zoomer T, de Korte EM, Burdorf A, Oude Hengel KM
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