Key term: musculoskeletal disease

Original article 2014;40(1):36-46   pdf full text
Musculoskeletal pain in Europe: the role of personal, occupational, and social risk factors
Farioli A, Mattioli S, Quaglieri A, Curti S, Violante FS, Coggon D
Original article 2013;39(6):609-617   pdf full text
Regional differences in disability retirement: explaining between-county differences in Finland
Laaksonen M, Gould R
Discussion paper 2013;39(3):221-232   pdf full text
Conceptual heuristic models of the interrelationships between obesity and the occupational environment
Pandalai SP, Schulte PA, Miller DB
Original article 2012;38(5):436-446   pdf
Risk factors for incidence of rotator cuff syndrome in a large working population
Bodin J, Ha C, Petit Le Manac’h A, Sérazin C, Descatha A, Leclerc A, Goldberg M, Roquelaure Y
Original article 2012;38(5):427-435   pdf
The joint association of sleep duration and insomnia symptoms with disability retirement – a longitudinal, register-linked study
Haaramo P, Rahkonen O, Lahelma E, Lallukka T
Original article 2012;38(2):134-143   pdf
Return to work after early part-time sick leave due to musculoskeletal disorders: a randomized controlled trial
Viikari-Juntura E, Kausto J, Shiri R, Kaila-Kangas L, Takala E-P, Karppinen J, Miranda H, Luukkonen R, Martimo K-P
Original article 2011;37(6):464-472   pdf
Occupational social class and disability retirement among municipal employees – the contribution of health behaviors and working conditions
Leinonen T, Pietiläinen O, Laaksonen M, Rahkonen O, Lahelma E, Martikainen P
Original article 2011;37(6):502-511   pdf
Personal, biomechanical, and psychosocial risk factors for rotator cuff syndrome in a working population
Roquelaure Y, Bodin J, Ha C, Petit Le Manac’h A, Descatha A, Chastang J-F, Leclerc A, Goldberg M, Imbernon E
Original article 2002;28(5):314-323   pdf
Impact of repetitive manual materials handling and psychosocial work factors on the future prevalence of chronic low-back pain among construction workers
Latza U, Pfahlberg A, Gefeller O
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