Key term: musculoskeletal disease

Original article 2017;43(4):358-366   pdf full text
Length of sickness absence and sustained return-to-work in mental disorders and musculoskeletal diseases: a cohort study of public sector employees
Kausto J, Pentti J, Oksanen T, Virta LJ, Virtanen M, Kivimäki M, Vahtera J
Original article 2016;42(5):395-404   pdf full text
Organizational justice and disability pension from all-causes, depression and musculoskeletal diseases: A Finnish cohort study of public sector employees
Juvani A, Oksanen T, Virtanen M, Elovainio M, Salo P, Pentti J, Kivimäki M, Vahtera J
Original article 2014;40(3):278-286   pdf full text
Predictors of sickness absence related to musculoskeletal pain: a two-year follow-up study of workers in municipal kitchens
Haukka E, Kaila-Kangas L, Luukkonen R, Takala E-P, Viikari-Juntura E, Leino-Arjas P
Review 2014;40(3):230-234   pdf full text
A meta-analysis of health effects of randomized controlled worksite interventions: Does social stratification matter?
Montano D, Hoven H, Siegrist J
Original article 2014;40(4):353-360   pdf full text
The contribution of major diagnostic causes to socioeconomic differences in disability retirement
Polvinen A, Laaksonen M, Gould R, Lahelma E, Martikainen P
Editorial 2014;40(1):1-3   pdf full text
National variations in back pain: Ecological fallacy or cultural differences?
Verbeek J, Burdorf A
Original article 2014;40(3):266-277   pdf full text
Effort–reward imbalance as a risk factor for disability pension: the Finnish Public Sector Study
Juvani A, Oksanen T, Salo P, Virtanen M, Kivimäki M, Pentti J, Vahtera J
Original article 2014;40(2):167-175   pdf full text
Impact of pre-existing chronic conditions on age differences in sickness absence after a musculoskeletal work injury: A path analysis approach
Smith P, Bielecky A, Ibrahim S, Mustard C, Saunders R, Beaton D, Koehoorn M, McLeod C, Scott-Marshall H, Hogg-Johnson S
Original article 2014;40(1):57-65   pdf full text
Effect of systematic ergonomic hazard identification and control implementation on musculoskeletal disorder and injury risk
Cantley LF, Taiwo OA, Galusha D, Barbour R, Slade MD, Tessier-Sherman B, Cullen MR
Original article 2014;40(1):36-46   pdf full text
Musculoskeletal pain in Europe: the role of personal, occupational, and social risk factors
Farioli A, Mattioli S, Quaglieri A, Curti S, Violante FS, Coggon D
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