Key term: work-home interference

Original article 2021;47(8):619-627   pdf full text
Working from home: mismatch between access and need in relation to work–home interference and fatigue
de Wind A, Beckers DGJ, Nijp HH, Hooftman W, de Boer AGEM, Geurts SAE
Original article 2015;41(4):347-355   pdf full text
Worktime control access, need and use in relation to work-home interference, fatigue, and job motivation
Nijp HH, Beckers DGJ, Kompier MAJ, van den Bossche SNJ, Geurts SAE
Original article 2005;31(1):15-29   pdf
Disentangling the causal relationships between work-home interference and employee health
van Hooff MLM, Geurts SAE, Taris TW, Kompier MAJ, Dikkers JSE, Houtman ILD, van den Heuvel FMM
Original article 2004;30(2):139-148   pdf
Impact of worktime arrangements on work-home interference among Dutch employees
Jansen NWH, Kant I, Nijhuis FJN, Swaen GMH, Kristensen TS