Key term: social support

Original article 2022;48(8):621-631   pdf full text
Workplace psychosocial resources and risk of cardiovascular disease among employees: a multi-cohort study of 135 669 participants
Xu T, Rugulies R, Vahtera J, Pentti J, Mathisen J, Lange T, Clark AJ, Magnusson Hanson LL, Westerlund H, Ervasti J, Virtanen M, Kivimäki M, Rod NH
Original article 2022;48(5):391-398   pdf full text
The influence of chronic diseases and poor working conditions in working life expectancy across educational levels among older employees in the Netherlands
Schram JLD, Schuring M, Oude Hengel KM, Burdorf A, Robroek SJW
Original article 2022;48(2):99-108   pdf full text
Working at home and expectations of being available: effects on perceived work environment, turnover intentions, and health
Knardahl S, Christensen JO
Original article 2021;47(6):466-474   pdf
Sexual and gender harassment in Swedish workplaces: A prospective cohort study on implications for long-term sickness absence
Blindow K, Bondestam F, Johansson G, Bodin T, Westerlund H, Nyberg A
Original article 2016;42(6):481-489   pdf full text
Sickness absence and permanent work disability in relation to upper- and lower-body pain and occupational mechanical and psychosocial exposures
Sommer TD, Svendsen SW, Frost P
Original article 2016;42(2):125-134   pdf full text
Social support modifies association between forward bending of the trunk and low-back pain: Cross-sectional field study of blue-collar workers
Villumsen M, Holtermann A, Samani A, Madeleine P, Jørgensen MB
Review 2012;38(2):93-104   pdf
Meta-synthesis of qualitative research on return to work among employees with common mental disorders
Andersen MF, Nielsen KM, Brinkmann S
Article SJWEH Suppl 2008; (6):15-21   pdf
Globalization, workers’ power and the psychosocial work environment—is the demand–control–support model still useful in a neoliberal era?
Johnson JV
Article 2006;32(6):443-462   pdf
Psychosocial work environment and mental health—a meta-analytic review
Stansfeld S, Candy B
Original article 2004;30(6):477-485   pdf
Job strain in relation to ambulatory blood pressure, heart rate, and heart rate variability among female nurses
Riese H, Van Doornen LJP, Houtman ILD, De Geus EJC
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