Key term: absenteeism

Editorial 2011;37(5):359-362   pdf
Sickness absence, office types, and advances in absenteeism research
Steensma H
Original article 2011;37(3):186-195   pdf
Effects of a stress management intervention on absenteeism and return to work – results from a randomized wait-list controlled trial
Willert MV, Thulstrup AM, Bonde JP
Original article 2009;35(2):85-95   pdf
Is there a gender difference in the effect of work-related physical and psychosocial risk factors on musculoskeletal symptoms and related sickness absence?
Hooftman WE, van der Beek AJ, Bongers PM, van Mechelen W
Original article 2008;34(6):438-443   pdf
Sick leave among native and immigrant workers in Spain—a 6-month follow-up study
Soler-González J, Serna M-C, Bosch A, Ruiz M-C, Huertas E, Rué M
Short communication 2008;34(6):483-486   pdf
Does evening work predict sickness absence among female carers of the elderly?
Tüchsen F, Christensen KB, Nabe-Nielsen K, Lund T
Original article 2008;34(2):107-112   pdf
What makes men and women with musculoskeletal complaints decide they are too sick to work?
Hooftman WE, Westerman MJ, van der Beek AJ, Bongers PM, van Mechelen W
Original article 2007;33(6):440-446   pdf
Generalizability of a prediction rule for sick leave due to shoulder pain
Kuijpers T, Vergouwe Y, van der Heijden GJM, Bot SDM, Twisk JWR, van der Windt DAWM, Bouter LM
Original article 2007;33(2):122-130   pdf
Consensus-based findings and recommendations for estimating the costs of health-related productivity loss from a company’s perspective
Uegaki K, de Bruijne MC, Anema JR, van der Beek AJ, van Tulder MW, van Mechelen W
Review 2006;32(1):5-11   pdf
Cost of obesity in the workplace
Schmier J, Jones ML, Halpern MT
Original article 2004;30(1):36-46   pdf
Costs, benefits and effectiveness of worksite physical activity counseling from the employer`s perspective
Proper KI, de Bruyne MC, Hildebrandt VH, van der Beek AJ, Meerding WJ, van Mechelen W
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