Key term: emotional demand

Original article 2022;48(5):391-398   pdf full text
The influence of chronic diseases and poor working conditions in working life expectancy across educational levels among older employees in the Netherlands
Schram JLD, Schuring M, Oude Hengel KM, Burdorf A, Robroek SJW
Original article 2022;48(4):302-311   pdf full text
Emotional demands at work and risk of hospital-treated depressive disorder in up to 1.6 million Danish employees: a prospective nationwide register-based cohort study
Madsen IEH, Sørensen JK, Bruun JE, Framke E, Burr H, Melchior M, Sivertsen B, Stansfeld S, Kivimäki M, Rugulies R
Editorial 2010;36(6):433-434   pdf
Stress at work – a risk factor for depression?
Virtanen M
Original article 2010;36(6):435-444   pdf
Person-related work and incident use of antidepressants: relations and mediating factors from the Danish work environment cohort study
Madsen IEH, Diderichsen F, Burr H, Rugulies R