Key term: irregular work hour

Original article 2023;49(2):117-125   pdf full text
Night and evening shifts and risk of calling in sick within the next two days – a case-crossover study design based on day-to-day payroll data
Larsen AD, Nielsen HB, Kirschheiner-Rasmussen J, Hansen J, Hansen ÅM, Kolstad HA, Rugulies R, Garde AH
Short communication 2015;41(4):413-416   pdf full text
Shift work and mental health sickness absence: a 10-year observational cohort study among male production workers
Norder G, Roelen CAM, Bültmann U, van der Klink JJL
Original article 2011;37(5):402-410   pdf
The mutual relationship between shift work and depressive complaints – a prospective cohort study
Driesen K, Jansen NWH, van Amelsvoort LGPM, Kant I