Key term: school

Original article 2023;49(6):428-438   pdf full text
The effectiveness of implementing the Guideline for the Prevention of Mental Ill-health Problems at the Workplace on health-outcomes, organizational and social risk factors: a cluster-randomized controlled trial in Swedish schools
Toropova A, Rödlund A, Björklund C, Schäfer Elinder LS, Jensen I, Kwak L
Short communication 2018;44(2):219-223   pdf full text
Can illegitimate job tasks be reduced by a participatory organizational-level workplace intervention? Results of a cluster randomized controlled trial in Danish pre-schools
Framke E, Sørensen OH, Pedersen J, Rugulies R
Original article 2011;37(4):332-340   pdf
Moulds in floor dust – a particular problem in mechanically ventilated rooms? A study of adolescent schoolboys under the Danish moulds in buildings program
Meyer HW, Suadicani P, Nielsen PA, Sigsgaard T, Gyntelberg F
Original article 2007;33(4):260-266   pdf
Physiological and psychological stress reactions in relation to classroom noise
Wålinder R, Gunnarsson K, Runeson R, Smedje G
Original article 2005;31(1):52-58   pdf
Nasal mucosal histamine reactivity among teachers six years after working in a moisture-damaged school
Rudblad S, Andersson K, Bodin L, Stridh G, Juto J-E