Key term: vocational rehabilitation

Original article 2023;49(8):588-597   pdf full text
Impact of a Finnish reform adding new sickness absence checkpoints on rehabilitation and labor market outcomes: an interrupted time series analysis
Laaksonen M, Blomgren J, Rinne H, Perhoniemi R
Short communication 2023;49(4):303-308   pdf full text
Integrated mental healthcare and vocational rehabilitation for people on sick leave with stress-related disorders: 24-month follow-up of the randomized IBBIS trial
Hoff A, Poulsen RM, Fisker JP, Hjorthøj C, Nordentoft M, Bojesen AB, Eplov LF
Original article 2022;48(6):498-506   pdf full text
The impact of vocational rehabilitation on employment outcomes: A regression discontinuity approach
Laaksonen M, Ilmakunnas I, Tuominen S
Original article 2022;48(5):361-371   pdf full text
Integrating vocational rehabilitation and mental healthcare to improve the return-to-work process for people on sick leave with stress-related disorders: results from a randomized trial
Hoff A, Fisker J, Poulsen RM, Hjorthøj C, Rosenberg NK, Nordentoft M, Bojesen AB, Eplov LF
Original article 2022;48(3):229-238   pdf full text
Evaluating effectiveness of an integrated return-to-work and vocational rehabilitation program on work disability duration in the construction sector
Macpherson RA, He A, Amick III BC, Koehoorn M, McLeod CB
Original article 2020;46(4):382-391   pdf full text
Risk of being granted disability pension among incident cancer patients before and after a structural pension reform: A Danish population-based, matched cohort study
Pedersen P, Aagesen M, Tang LH, Bruun NH, Zwisler A-D, Stapelfeldt CM
Original article 2020;46(1):50-59   pdf full text
Individual placement and support for young adults at risk of early work disability (the SEED trial). A randomized controlled trial
Sveinsdottir V, Lie SA, Bond GR, Eriksen HR, Tveito TH, Grasdal AL, Reme SE
Original article 2019;45(6):651-660   pdf full text
The effectiveness of vocational rehabilitation on work participation: a propensity score matched analysis using nationwide register data
Leinonen T, Viikari-Juntura E, Husgafvel-Pursiainen K, Juvonen-Posti P, Laaksonen M, Solovieva S
Editorial 2016;42(4):257-259   pdf full text
To RCT or not to RCT: evidence on effectiveness of return-to-work interventions
Burdorf A, van der Beek AJ
Original article 2016;42(4):273-279   pdf full text
Effects of graded return-to-work: a propensity-score-matched analysis
Bethge M
Original article 2013;39(1):57-65   pdf full text
Does perceived work ability improve after a multidisciplinary preventive program in a population with no severe medical problems – the Finnish Public Sector Study
Saltychev M, Laimi K, Oksanen T, Pentti J, Kivimäki M, Vahtera J
Original article 2012;38(5):456-466   pdf
Trajectories and predictors of return to work after traumatic limb injury – a 2-year follow-up study
Hou W-H, Sheu C-F, Liang H-W, Hsieh C-L, Lee Y, Chuang H-Y, Cheng Y-T
Original article 2011;37(6):481-493   pdf
What promotes sustained return to work of employees on long-term sick leave? Perspectives of vocational rehabilitation professionals
Dekkers-Sánchez PM, Wind H, Sluiter JK, Frings-Dresen MHW
Original article 2012;38(1):27-37   pdf
Effectiveness of multidisciplinary primary prevention in decreasing the risk of work disability in a low-risk population
Saltychev M, Laimi K, El-Metwally A, Oksanen T, Pentti J, Virtanen M, Kivimäki M, Vahtera J
Original article 2011;37(2):99-108   pdf
2nd place, PREMUS best paper competition: implementing return-to-work interventions for workers with low-back pain – a conceptual framework to identify barriers and facilitators
Fassier J-B, Durand M-J, Loisel P
Original article 2010;36(6):473-483   pdf
Return to work following disabling occupational injury – facilitators of employment continuation
Young AE
Discussion paper 2001;27(5):346-352   pdf
Vocational rehabilitation of workers with back pain
Verbeek JHAM