Key term: RTW

Original article 2023;49(3):182-192   pdf full text
Return-to-work rates and predictors of absence duration after COVID-19 over the course of the pandemic
Aben B, Kok RN, de Wind A
Original article 2022;48(4):264-272   pdf full text
Economic evaluation of return-to-work interventions for mental disorder-related sickness absence: two years follow-up of a randomized clinical trial
Finnes A, Hoch JS, Enebrink P, Dahl JA, Ghaderi A, Nager A, Feldman I
Original article 2021;47(4):296-305   pdf full text
Impact of anxiety and depression disorders on sustained return to work after work-related musculoskeletal strain or sprain: a gender stratified cohort study
Jones AM, Koehoorn M, Bültmann U, McLeod CB
Original article 2020;46(4):356-363   pdf full text
Effectiveness of adding a workplace intervention to an inpatient multimodal occupational rehabilitation program: A randomized clinical trial
Skagseth M, Fimland MS, Rise MB, Johnsen R, Borchgrevink PC, Aasdahl L
Original article 2020;46(2):177-187   pdf full text
Breast cancer specialists' perspective on their role in their patients' return to work: A qualitative study
Lamort-Bouché M, Péron J, Broc G, Kochan A, Jordan C, Letrilliart L, Fervers B, Fassier J-B; FASTRACS Group
Original article 2019;45(4):370-375   pdf full text
Cancer survivors on the process of returning to work: a Danish focus group study
Nielsen AF, Zinckernage L, Tofte JB, Timm H
Original article 2019;45(3):289-297   pdf full text
Labor market affiliation after deployment: Danish soldiers fare well, but face increased risk of long-term sickness absence when returning from Afghanistan
Elrond A, Stoltenberg C, Nissen L, Nielsen A, Pedersen J
Editorial 2018;44(6):555-556   pdf full text
Why do we know so little about return to work after carpal tunnel release?
Viikari-Juntura E
Review 2018;44(6):557-567   pdf full text
Sickness absence after carpal tunnel release: a systematic review of the literature
Newington L, Stevens M, Warwick D, Adams J, Walker-Bone K
Original article 2018;44(2):147-155   pdf full text
Identifying return-to-work trajectories using sequence analysis in a cohort of workers with work-related musculoskeletal disorders
McLeod CB, Reiff E, Maas E, Bültmann U
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