Key term: assessment

Original article 2022;48(1):71-80   pdf full text
Screening for cognitive impairment among patients with work-related stress complaints in Denmark: validation and evaluation of objective and self-report tools
Jensen JH, Miskowiak KW, Purdon SE, Thomsen JF, Eller NH
Amendments and corrections 2016;42(1):97-98   pdf full text
Re. Härmä M, Ropponen A, Hakola T, Koskinen A, Vanttola P, Puttonen S, Sallinen M, Salo P, Oksanen T, Pentti J, Vahtera J, Kivimäki M. Developing register-based measures for assessment of working time patterns for epidemiologic studies. Scand J Work Environ Health. 2015;41(3):268–279. doi: 10.5271/sjweh.3492
Härmä M, Ropponen A, Koskinen A, Vanttola P, Puttonen S, Sallinen M, Salo P, Oksanen T, Pentti J, Vahtera J, Kivimäki M
Original article 2015;41(3):268-279   pdf full text
Developing register-based measures for assessment of working time patterns for epidemiologic studies
Härmä M, Ropponen A, Hakola T, Koskinen A, Vanttola P, Puttonen S, Sallinen M, Salo P, Oksanen T, Pentti J, Vahtera J, Kivimäki M
Original article 2014;40(3):252-265   pdf full text
Cost-efficient assessment of biomechanical exposure in occupational groups, exemplified by posture observation and inclinometry
Trask C, Mathiassen SE, Wahlström J, Forsman M
Review 2011;37(1):6-29   pdf
The repeatability and validity of questionnaires assessing occupational physical activity – a systematic review
Kwak L, Proper KI, Hagströmer M, Sjöström M
Editorial 2010;36(1):1-2   pdf
The role of assessment of biomechanical exposure at the workplace in the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders
Burdorf A
Review 2010;36(1):3-24   pdf
Systematic evaluation of observational methods assessing biomechanical exposures at work
Takala E-P, Pehkonen I, Forsman M, Hansson G-Å, Mathiassen SE, Neumann WP, Sjøgaard G, Veiersted KB, Westgaard RH, Winkel J
Original article 2009;35(5):349-360   pdf
Prospective assessment of neuropsychological functioning and mood in US Army National Guard personnel deployed as peacekeepers
Proctor SP, Heaton KJ, Dos Santos KD, Rosenman ES, Heeren T
Original article 2008;34(5):387-395   pdf
Development of an obeche wood allergen quantification assay for the assessment of allergen exposure in workplaces
Kespohl S, Sander I, Schulze J, Poppe M, Brüning T, Raulf-Heimsoth M
Original article 2006;32(3):209-218   pdf
Development of a questionnaire to assess worker knowledge, attitudes and perceptions underlying dermal exposure
Geer LA, Curbow BA, Anna DH, Lees PSJ, Buckley TJ
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