Discussion paper2024;50(5):317-328
pdf full text What have we learned about risk assessment and interventions to prevent work-related musculoskeletal disorders and support work participation?
Original article2024;50(1):11-21
pdf full text Association of objectively measured lifting load with low-back pain, stress, and fatigue: A prospective cohort study
Original article2023;49(8):558-568
pdf full text Development and validation of a work-related risk score for upper-extremity musculoskeletal disorders in a French working population
Original article2023;49(7):477-486
pdf full text Effectiveness of 'motivational interviewing' on sick leave: a randomized controlled trial in a social insurance setting
Original article2023;49(4):283-292
pdf full text Duration and intensity of occupational lifting and risk of long-term sickness absence: Prospective cohort study with register follow-up among 45 000 workers
Original article2021;47(8):600-608
pdf full text Sickness absence and return to work among employees with knee osteoarthritis with and without total knee arthroplasty: a prospective register linkage study among Finnish public sector employees
Original article2020;46(6):618-629
pdf full text Upper-extremity musculoskeletal disorders: how many cases can be prevented? Estimates from the COSALI cohort
Original article2020;46(4):429-436
pdf full text The effect of training for a participatory ergonomic intervention on physical exertion and musculoskeletal pain among childcare workers (the TOY project) – a wait-list cluster-randomized controlled trial
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