Key term: Finland

Original article [online first; 23 May 2024]   pdf
Physical activity and risk of workplace and commuting injuries: a cohort study
Alhainen M, Härmä M, Pentti J, Ervasti J, Kivimäki M, Vahtera J, Stenholm S
Original article 2022;48(6):457-467   pdf full text
Changes in occupational well-being during COVID-19: the impact of age, gender, education, living alone, and telework in a Finnish four-wave population sample
Kaltiainen J, Hakanen J
Original article 2021;47(8):600-608   pdf full text
Sickness absence and return to work among employees with knee osteoarthritis with and without total knee arthroplasty: a prospective register linkage study among Finnish public sector employees
Kaila-Kangas L, Leino-Arjas P, Koskinen A, Takala E-P, Oksanen T, Ervasti J, Kausto J
Original article 2020;46(3):278-292   pdf full text
Predicting residential radon concentrations in Finland: Model development, validation, and application to childhood leukemia
Nikkilä A, Arvela H, Mehtonen J, Raitanen J, Heinäniemi M, Lohi O, Auvinen A
Original article 2020;46(1):43-49   pdf full text
Risk factors of hospitalization for carpal tunnel syndrome among the general working population
Hulkkonen S, Shiri R, Auvinen J, Miettunen J, Karppinen J, Ryhänen J
Original article 2019;45(6):651-660   pdf full text
The effectiveness of vocational rehabilitation on work participation: a propensity score matched analysis using nationwide register data
Leinonen T, Viikari-Juntura E, Husgafvel-Pursiainen K, Juvonen-Posti P, Laaksonen M, Solovieva S
Original article 2019;45(4):413-420   pdf full text
Relational justice, economic fluctuations, and long-term sickness absence: a multi-cohort study
Peutere L, Ojala S, Lipiäinen L, Järvinen K-M, Saari T, Pyöriä P
Original article 2018;44(5):496-502   pdf full text
Sickness absence in a re-employment program as a predictor of labor market attachment among long-term unemployed individuals: A 6-year cohort study in Finland
Nwaru CA, Kivimäki M, Pentti J, Vahtera J, Virtanen P
Original article 2017;43(5):447-456   pdf full text
Legislative change enabling use of early part-time sick leave enhanced return to work and work participation in Finland
Viikari-Juntura E, Virta LJ, Kausto J, Autti-Rämö I, Martimo K-P, Laaksonen M, Leinonen T, Husgafvel-Pursiainen K, Burdorf A, Solovieva S
Original article 2017;43(5):405-414   pdf full text
Work-related biomechanical exposure and job strain in midlife separately and jointly predict disability after 28 years: a Finnish longitudinal study
Prakash KC, Neupane S, Leino-Arjas P, von Bonsdorff MB, Rantanen T, von Bonsdorff ME, Seitsamo J, Ilmarinen J, Nygård C-H
Original article 2017;43(4):358-366   pdf full text
Length of sickness absence and sustained return-to-work in mental disorders and musculoskeletal diseases: a cohort study of public sector employees
Kausto J, Pentti J, Oksanen T, Virta LJ, Virtanen M, Kivimäki M, Vahtera J
Original article 2013;39(6):609-617   pdf full text
Regional differences in disability retirement: explaining between-county differences in Finland
Laaksonen M, Gould R
Original article 2012;38(3):228-237   pdf
Health risk behaviors and morbidity among hospital staff − comparison across hospital ward medical specialties in a study of 21 Finnish hospitals
Virtanen M, Vahtera J, Batty GD, Tuisku K, Oksanen T, Elovainio M, Ahola K, Pentti J, Salo P, Vartti A-M, Kivimäki M
Original article 2011;37(3):237-243   pdf
Lens opacities among physicians occupationally exposed to ionizing radiation – a pilot study in Finland
Mrena S, Kivelä T, Kurttio P, Auvinen A
Supplement 1981;7 suppl 3:1-149   pdf
Health hazards and stress factors in small industry - Prevalence study in the province of Uusimaa with special reference to the type of industry and the occupational title as classifications for the description of occupational health problems.
Vihma T
Original article 1988;14(5):293-298   pdf
Office employment, work with video display terminals, and course of pregnancy. Reference mothers' experience from a Finnish case-referent study of birth defects.
Nurminen T, Kurppa K